Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Accident zone!!

I am posting this one right after helping people who met with an accident near my home. Let me narrate u the exact picture of my town n then tell u what happened!!Neyveli has huge student population for its size. In my previous post('Neyveli-my sweet home place') I had mentioned that there is no traffic by any means but every rule has an exception (except the above rule). U know the student density around 8.15 to 8.45 am every morning near my home. My home is at one of the corners of this busy junction.

Right from my school days, I have seen many accidents caused due to reckless driving of the van drivers and auto-rickshaw drivers. I have to mention this!! Auto-rickshaw drivers think that they pilot airplane. Stupid bastards!! They are responsible for the safety of the school kids, man!! This isn't a joke by any yardstick!! I have seen them going berserk as if they are gonna miss a flight! At least once in two weeks (nowadays more frequently), I ll hear screeching sounds of sudden break (if very unfortunate, then screams of my school-going friends agonizing in pain).

My mother, being a doctor, has attended first aid and treatment to many people then. I have once seen my mother literally plucking out a finger of a lady who cut her finger in one such incident. I shivered then as I was only studying third standard then. Oh My God!!Such incidents ll make even the rock solid men faint. Many times I have asked my father to complain to Township Administration to put speed breakers at this junction to prevent such accidents. However despite my father's complaints and other people' complaints, nothing has been done (God knows Y?)

Given this picture, I think you would have guessed the topic by now. Yes!!U r right!! I witnessed an accident where an auto was toppled upside down after having a hit at the side by a van!! I heard loud screams when I was scanning the newspaper then. The scream showed that it was something serious. My father and myself rushed to the spot!!Oh My God!!Small girls are crying like anything. They were frightened to the core!! My father was the first one to help then as we were the guys first there. He set the auto upright and freed the girls who had their legs crushed below the auto. I calmed them down but by that time, big crowd assembled around (as usual). At first, it took sometime to settle down and act accordingly. As it was a peak-time, we cleared the traffic for others to carry on with their work. A small girl was shivering like anything!!My eyes welled then after seeing an innocent looking sister crying out of sheer fear. I couldn't do much after that as seniors took control over the situation. This is Half-Yearly exam time. Some of the girls were too rattled that I doubt whether they can write their next exam(leave this test..its gone..they have to write it later) Parents rushed to the spot more frightened than their wards.

Only after seeing this incident first hand, I can sense and feel for the terror and mayhem that the victims and hostages of Taj hotel and other targets during the recent Mumbai carnage! Now I can understand y Mumbaikars feel insecure and vulnerable!! My heart goes to those people!!Its different when u read those incidents on paper or visually. But I salute every hotel staff who dared his/her life to save the guests and my Indians there!!It takes enormous guts and care to help even in that precarious situation. They could have easily escaped as they know more about the hotel onstruction but that sets the extraordinary people from cowards!! I have goosebumps now by merely imagining such an act. I wish to be in one such situation where I can make my life count by saving many others!!


Ramakrishnan said...
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Ramakrishnan said...

Good emotional post da.....i felt like i was in that accident helping you and mama...i almost got up to search for the accident spot.........

I was also one of the victims in that corner zone during my 3 or 4 th standard as me and my dad met with an accident with water lory...