Well well well..How better can it get???I have seen the same place before last summer but never had this experience!!The trip is gonna break the closed attitude of the ECE dept I am sure.
The starting point of our class trip to cochin, veegaland and munnar was itself under dark clouds, should say. I must be frank here. When my friend Durai told the class about this trip, I was cynical and sceptic because of my misconception of my class. I thought it wud be boring with ppl forming their own gangs and not interacting properly. I used to come to class late and leave early with no interest in my dept. Thats because I had dreamt how my college life wud be but as always, I was wrong. So I didnt make myself active in any of my dept activity. Worst of all, I didnt know the names of my class girls (but now i know:P) Given this background, I thought its gonna be another hostel in hillstation. How stupid and cruelly wrong I was!!!
I wont say anything about the places there as everyone wud know about them n i am not a guide. I will restrict myself to the surprise elements that were waiting for me in the trip!!
There could be no better start to the tour. V had won a football match with me scoring the lone goal (what a finish it was!!) against a final year team!! I was very happy and elated. With that upbeat mood, I wanted to make sure that there shud be no inhibition during the class trip. I know that ppl ll be expecting someone to break the ice and I decided that I am going to be that someone. Anthakshari is the perfect game involving everyone in the group. Usman Bhai (arbit name rite??its none other than Laksman) too sang songs here..first surprise!!I 'tried' to kalachify Lavanya but it worked wonders as she fell into a super trap!!she is the perfect vijaykanth fan!!surprise factor 2..then after the euphoria, v all settled but I couldnt sleep. So myself, sreevatsan,swetha and lavanya sang some pure musical gems whose lyrics v can remember. That was a nice time pass. Slowly I began to feel enervated after d long evening and so fell asleep. Next day it broke at veega land..here I have to say something..how come the girls always look for a ragging session??it was nice and the first time i got ragged. Not even my seniors ragged me. Only then i came to know all my class girls's names. Thank god! Atleast now i learnt:)
Then the routine fun in the theme park. After having a great time soaking in water, we started to cochin. Oh ya!!wait wait!!i forgot one thing..I can call this trip a photography demo trip because ppl were busy in capturing natural sceneries in their camera rather than their hearts. Group pics were just too many:) After a hard day at the theme park, everyone was tired and so we all slept off at a hotel at cochin after a light dinner. Next day was the highlight of the tour with boat rides at cochin. All twenty six ppl boarded a double decker boat house kinda stuff (dunno exactly to say that..it wasn't ferry but at the same not an usual boat i had seen). We had a jolly session with many interesting stuff taking place. Girls n boys interacted well here and I am definitely going to overlook an incident here (sorry for not being honest). But the boat ride was tooooooo good. Then we shopped near matanchery palace at cochin after peeping into someone else house (But ppl call that history:P)Again v had a photo shoot session. What else can v do with five highly sophisticated cameras!!:P
Then v whiled away some valuable time at cochin shopping mall but it had its own reasons!! I feel that v missed out a camp fire session at Munnar because of this. Anyway ppl bought some costly stuff for their loved ones and closer ppl. Only here I got bums for no reason :( I dunno how ppl gather arnd when it comes to my case. Its like ants coming from nowhere for a small piece of sweet!!U never know where these ants were there!!:) anyway nice fun!
By this time, everyone in the gang knew everbody. A nice close knit unit was formed. While going to Munnar, I just slept off to have a go at night time. Conserving energy to play card games! But u know, collective effervescence makes ppl act differently from the normal. Some girls took the extra space in waking me up as they were bored. Though I feel irritated when I am aroused from deep sleep, I felt happy then as they took the extra space..surprise factor plus one..We paused at a very normal hotel to have a light dinner as it wud be too late to have a decent dinner at Munnar. There our very own Arun( the Dope) bought a bisleri mineral water just to wash his hands!!hygiene aama!!bl***y **i!!At last v reached Munnar and settled in our alloted rooms there in the hotel. Ten of us escaped from the group to have a lovely walk late night in the cold climate just to have a cup of hot coffee..the feeling itelf is too good:) V returned back to hotel by 12, just to play card games till 3!!some fifteen ppl playing cards!!lots of fun:)surprise factor plus one..
Having slept late, everyone had to fight against themselves in waking up especially in that next to perfect climate to sleep!!Finally v checked out of the hotel and made our way to explore Munnar. First to echo point. As it was too crowded there, v didnt go for pedal boat ride but bought fresh carrots and other small items. V then moved to view point for an extraordinary boat ride there though the bledy boatman left out Chavra and Amruta Krishnan..V missed them during the ride only to find out they were busy out there on the shores:P V planned for a couple ride for these two cute ppl but they settled for a nice pic.
Then straight pack-up..back in college with the memories still fresh in mind..this blog entry is just a accumulation of random thoughts..didnt try to make it flowery..ll upload the pics later..:)